Personal greeting message - this is how it works!

Here you can find out how to use the free Bioblo greeting card service, which we created due to the Corona crisis and which we want to continue until further notice thanks to its great popularity:
The idea of a greeting card was born during Easter 2020 in response to the "social distancing" measures. In order to make it easier for our webshop customers to give and receive gifts, we have since then included a pretty greeting card in the format 21 x 21 cm with space for a personal greeting message in all our packages!

If you want, you can state the delivery address of the recipient directly when ordering and have us take care of the writing! Then we will write - with the most beautiful handwriting possible, of course - your very personal greeting message on the card and put it in the package with your order!
You can easily write the desired text in the designated field in the shopping cart (see picture).
This special offer is, of course, free of charge. We wish all Bioblo fans lots of fun giving, building and being creative!